85 Central
85 Central is a crime drama comedy series showcases the sometimes-complex process of determining guilt or innocence, while lives hang in the balance. This production is lauded for its literary themes, its uncommonly acute exploration of society and its realistic portrayal of urban life. Each season introduces a different institution in the city and its relationship to law enforcement.
85_central_ _episode_1_dollar_store_cheese (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_2_-_new_management (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_3_-_give_em_they_cut (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_4_-_drug_dealers_neighbors (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_5_-_shout_out_to_this_baked_ziti (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_6__freeze_ccpd_! (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_7__situation_stay_focused (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_8_snake (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_9__unbullieable (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_10_body_&_breakfast_combo (1080p)
85_central_ _episode_11_loose_ends_jean_jackets (1080p)